Energy Solutions for Real Estate Sectors

In response to electricity grid congestion and obligations for companies, organizations, monuments, and commercial and governmental real estate in the field of future-proof energy supplies, Regenesys has developed a partnership for Future-Proof Energy Solutions especially for these sectors.

In the Netherlands, since July 1, 2023, these real estate sectors with a large-scale grid connection and a roof area of 2,000 m2 and more must be able to demonstrate that they have made provisions for a future-proof energy supply. On December 1, 2023, they must report to the governmental supervisor whether they comply with the obligations. For example, installing solar panels on the roof and connecting a heat pump could be mandatory. Similar obligations may exist in other European countries. We can inform you about the regulations and solutions.

Unfortunately, it now regularly happens that companies and organizations do not get a large-scale electricity grid connection. The financial damage to them is enormous. The international partnership of high-quality and specialized companies set up by Regenesys can arrange a (if desired integral and turnkey) solution for your energy needs.

Do you want the right energy supply on time and to be prepared for the future before it’s too late?

Contact us in time to avoid fines or even prevent closure of your premises.

Future-Proof Energy Solutions

Through the program of the Het Kan Wel! Foundation (It Can Be Done! Foundation) it has become more than clear to us that the economy must make a significant transition soon to prevent a global economy collapse.

If the economy continues to damage nature and society, the economic damage will exceed the global economy in a reasonably short term.

The consequences of this will affect everyone, rich and poor.
Not only the foundation and Regenesys see this danger. More and more economists and financial experts fear this.

One of them is the president of DNB (Dutch National Bank) Klaas Knot.